Make an Easier Move

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How can I simplify packing and moving?

Make an Easier Move

The time to prepare for a move is the day you offer your home for sale. Most homes are overflowing with "stuff" that can be a distraction to home buyers who view your home. Go to the local moving and storage company, purchase a variety of boxes and begin to pack the clutter to make your home look bigger and show better.
A method for organizing this process is to categorize all of your possessions as a one, two or three priority. The boxes with a number one on them are the most urgent and necessary. These are the things you use daily and must have at your disposal. These will not be packed until just before the move.
The number two boxes are somewhat important but can be sacrificed. The "low twos" will get packed, along with the number ones, which are the things you can nearly live without. Strip counters, furniture, closets and cupboards of anything you can do without for the next 3-6 months. Mark each box with its appropriate number and identify the room of the house where the box should be placed in the new home.
Packed boxes can be stored in garage attics, a corner of the basement or rent a storage unit. Your home will not only look larger and show better -the job of packing and moving will be half-finished before the home ever sells!



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