Your Real Estate Team

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How do I go about the process of buying a new home?

Your Real Estate Team

Buying real estate can be a daunting experience, but in today's confusing market, you really need a good team to back you up and take the burden off your shoulders. Here are some tips to help guide you in the right direction of purchasing the home of your dreams.

1. Your Realtor is the key and a valuable resource in finding the home you want in the price range you want. Sit down with them and discuss your plan of action. Your wants and must haves all come into play. The area you're looking in is information your agent will use to narrow down your search and make the process a little bit easier. Knowing this before you head out and start to look can increase your chances of finding the right home in a short period of time.

2. Your lender plays an important role in not just lending you money, but pre-qualifying you before you start your search. Having a written pre-approval letter will let sellers know you're a serious buyer and have thought about your purchase. Pick a lender you feel comfortable with and someone who will work closely with your agent to get the deal closed.

3. Once you make an offer, you'll need to have the home inspected. This is a "must" that can save you a lot of money and headaches down the road. Talk to a few inspection companies before making a decision. Once the inspection process is done, you will be on the way to moving into your DREAM home.

There are many unforeseen obstacles in purchasing a new home, but when you have the right people on your team, you can rest easy and know that you're in good hands. Taking the time to talk to your agent and lender beforehand will give you the information and knowledge you'll need to make the right decision. Taking the stress out of the situation is their job and one a good team doesn't take lightly.



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